The Red Pill Patriot Show
Comedy • Politics • Culture
The Red Pilled Patriot Show community is a gathering place for those who value truth, and honesty. It is about celebrating the greatness of America and acknowledging her scars and blemishes as well. It is a community for people who wish to speak freely and know they will be heard and respected.
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Nancy Pelosi is Pure Evil

Nancy Pelosi believes climate change is more important than the genocide of the Uighur Muslims by China. Why has she not been kicked out of public office yet? Are the people of CA in her district so depraved that they too don’t care about the genocide of innocent people?

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Been Waiting For So Long…

If inflation is hitting your budget hard at the grocery store, there is a better way.

Let it Snow…

Had our first snow of the fall everyone… 🤦‍♂️

Daily Dose Video Podcast for August 9th, 2021 - “What You’re Doing Isn’t Working”

Join me today as we take a look at what it means to follow real science and not the junk science being pedaled by the Biden administration, the CDC and the NIH. Welcome to the Red Pill Patriot Show Daily Dose Podcast…

It’s Time to Vote With Your Dollars

I hope that that each of you will take a moment to look at The Patriot Shopping Club using the following link, By simply switching to this family owned online store, I have been able to save so much money every month on every day consumable goods and beef verses shopping at the big box stores. Plus I feel great knowing that my money is supporting an American company that employees American patriots and produces everything they sell right here in our great country. The information is free and I know it will be a game changer for you and everyone you know.

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Just Looking to Share…

I will say that my sweet tooth and love of sweet and salty snacks have been my downfall countless times before in my life when striving to lose weight and keep it off. 😥

However, this time around I have two secret weapons that I didn’t have any of those times. 🤫 Would you like for me to share them with you? 🤔

Here you go… (Never let it be said that I’m not a giving kind of man 😉)

Good Zymes⬇️

Is Digestive Imbalance Preventing You from Total Wellness?
When digestion doesn’t work smoothly, things can get rough! Nearly one in three adults suffer from some form of digestive issue. Ineffective digestion not only creates serious discomfort but also limits your body’s ability to absorb the nutrients you need for your overall health!
Digestion is a complicated task that starts at the mouth and ends at the large intestine. The cells building the digestive tract are constantly renewing to get your body the nourishment it needs and your hormonal, immune, circulatory, and nervous systems...

Time to watch the leftist heads EXPLODE!!
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